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Teaching Experience Sharing-Course on March 5, 2013
2013-03-08 10:24:17

It’s important to make everything clear in the beginning of the semester.

So we gathered together and had a discussion about our learning project.

According to previous experiences, we’ve made a little change this semester.

Looking forward to seeing better developments!

Before that, of course we need to work harder!


This semester we have students from Taipei, Taoyuan, Taichung and Xinying!

Don’t forget the majority of students are from “home”-Tainan!

No matter where we are from, we are all quilt making lovers!

I am so touched that everyone is looking forward to the new classes.

New students told me it’s because of “Lin Hsin-Chen”, they are coming to the class.

What a heavy burden!

I guess I will need to work harder to meet their expectations…

The following 3 months should be very worthy and rich in learning and discussion.

This is a good start. Let’s press on!

Best luck to everyone!

total: 440
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