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Viewpoints 9 Challenge 3-Movements of Lines
2013-11-27 09:48:58
Viewpoints 9 Challenge 3
Title of work: Movements of Lines

Theme: Horizon

To overcome successive challenges is an integral part of learning in life. After the second challenge, I can create a more solid conceptual foundation for later development.

“Horizon” refers not to a real line but to the infiniteness of the line which can only be perceived by feelings. Therefore, we should not search for line, but rather find a way to perceive the line. Lines are indeed a medium that can spark human beings’ creative genius, as well as their impulse for communications, by which the texture of knowledge is born.  

Nature is separated into upper and lower sections by the horizon, generating spatial vocabulary and dialogues. Humans unknowingly come to accept the linear attributes captured in time and space, and meanwhile some sense of awakening, some sort of subtlety, also arises in their hearts. Yet, where on earth do these feelings come from?

Delicate lines carry emotions and expressions, and also other aspects than that should be explored. I want to challenge all kinds of perspectives about lines and discover the touching consonances and fascinating textures composed by lines.

Artist Statement:

Any form of artistic creation takes a process of brainstorming and conceptualizing. Comprehension is also part of the creative activity, providing fun and enjoyment. The third challenge is proposed by me. These two months, July and August, are when I prepared for hosting Taiwan International Quilt Exhibition 2012. The two events coincided and inspired me to create the work. The experience of representing real life events in artwork makes a lot of sense to me.

Works from all parts of the world link to each other on the map, forming beautiful totems. That is a miraculous and familiar process! As the exhibition plan makes it possible to bridge the distance between countries, the topic “what is seen” is deepened. The administrative efforts behind the exhibition are complex, involving every detail that could impact participants, events, objects, and consequently the people’s minds.

It is important to simplify the complicated into something easier to understand. While a creative activity could mean looking from a different perspective and being empowered by experiencing something new, the pursuit for a simple yet beautiful view is still tough. Sometimes, there is ambiguity, and sometimes obscurity. What the eyes see could be misleading and confusing. However hard one tries to see clearly the lines on the horizon connect each other, the lines remain as unclear as ever. That is a challenge. Maybe, what is seen is an interpretation from a different angle.

Perspective can impact how one learns and feels about beauty. Gazing at the “vertical” horizon, I was surprised to find that there are not only horizontal lines that connect both ends and that the vertical connection provided a simple yet aesthetic experience. The brand new visual experience has given me a chance to know the magical power of nature.

I am lucky enough to embark on a different creative journey when preparing for the event of TIQE2012. Movements of lines involve so much and so profoundly. I have learned a lot from VIEWPOINTS9.

Size: 48cm X 81 cm

Materials & Techniques: thread and cotton, all made by hand sewing

For more information about Viewpoints 9, please visit: http://www.viewpoints9.blogspot.com/

total: 296
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