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Viewpoints 9 (Cycle 2) Challenge 1- Bringing Back the Stories
2013-11-27 11:02:39

Viewpoints 9 (Cycle 2) Challenge 1

Title of work: Bringing Back the Stories

Theme: Where does the time go?

My Feedback: Moments

Last month, I had a chance to visit the Daylily Mountain in Eastern Taiwan with my husband. The whole mountain is full of daylily flowers in blossom. The orange daylily flower is a traditional dish in Taiwan. The flowers are very beautiful, but people can only see them blooming in July and August. Unfortunately, there were many typhoons in July and August this year. The typhoons disrupted the flowering period, so that we had to postpone our schedules.  

Plans can never catch up with changes. No matter how perfect plans you have, the right time and right weather are always much more influential. We have to rely on the weather in our daily life. It seems to be an inevitable situation for us living in the 21 century.

I took these 2 photos of daylily flowers just at the right moments. After taking the photos, the sky suddenly became overcast with clouds. It was very impressive. Time is fleeting so we must treasure it.

Artist Statement: 

Where did the time go! I have to take a time machine and look back on the past, rummage around the spaces where I once familiar with, unpack the story boxes in the dark, unwind the winding thread and explore the stories of mine. I place the present as the bright, vivid and colorful background. This is a valuable experience, just like blooming new flowers for the future. What fun!

Time and space are my partners who have been accompanied me to enjoy this wonderful world. It made me to think carefully about “Where does the time go?” Surprisingly, I found the old things are connected, entangled, tugging, twisting, joyous, moving and recorded… My immaturity, emotion and knowledge have been adjusted and improved by the old times. Reentering the time and space and refreshing my attitudes, I feel joyful and fulfilled.

Thank you, Martha, for giving us this challenge. It gives me a chance to reflect and adjust the use of time. I have to admit that I am a workaholic, especially for NGO issues. I know that I didn’t love myself enough and I didn’t take good care of myself. After hand sewing this piece, I decided not to assign too much works for myself in year 2014, so that I can focus more on my health. I hope I can do it!

All the best to everyone! Happy creating!

Size: 18” x 27”

Techniques: 100% hand-stitched, pieced, appliqué, mono printing, embroidery, hand quilted

Materials: Mono printed cotton, commercial cotton, wool, weave fabric, ribbon, embroidery floss

For more information about Viewpoints 9, please visit: http://www.viewpoints9-2.blogspot.tw/

total: 465
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