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Artist Challenge / Day 5
2015-01-27 11:43:58

Betty Busby challenged me to post 3 pieces of art a day for 5 days. Each day you nominate a different artist and you tag the person who nominated you originally. Those artists go on to do the same. Today, day 5, I would like to nominate Yasuko Saito.

2 of the 3 works (“Life Celebration” and “Happy Birthday”) are from the second cycle of Viewpoints 9. They will be exhibited at the European Patchwork Meeting in September. The other work, Innocent Happiness, is a part of the ‘Round Robin Quilt Creative Project’. It is now exhibiting at Hilton Tokyo. (January 22 to 27, 2015)


Life Celebration / 18” x 27”


Happy Birthday / 18” x 27”


Innocent Happiness / 86 x 114 (cm)

total: 297
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