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Viewpoints 9 (Cycle 3) Challenge 9 - Hello! Summer
2016-09-02 17:24:38

Viewpoints 9 (Cycle 3) Challenge 9

Title of work: Hello! Summer


Theme: The Undesirables

My Feedback: Rummaging through Drawers

It seems justifiable to rummage through drawers for creating. It is so much fun. Which artist does not have a stash of long forgotten materials in the closet? The long forgotten materials are quite possibly the undesirables. I would like to take this opportunity to challenge myself. It is also a perfect chance for me to clean up my cabinets and put things in order. By doing this, I know what are available for my next work and what shall be discarded. Thank you, Lisa-Marie, for the topic.


I found some synthetic fibers and buttons. They are gorgeous, but being forgotten. It would be wasteful to throw them away. Although I have no idea how I will use them in my work, I would like to give it a try.

Artist Statement:

NASA announced that our Earth had just survived from the warmest July in 136 years. This summer, we experienced disasters due to global warming. Mankind is not the only species suffered. I would like to comfort summer. This is not the weather it wanted. What is the problem at all?

There were several ecological disasters in Taiwan in July, 2016. Even the timing of flowering was in turmoil! I always don’t like summer. I love winter. You have nowhere to escape from the scorching weather. Using air-conditioning is very energy-consuming and also a waste of natural resources. On the contrary, we can just simply wear more clothes in winter for the cold weather. The energy consumption is significantly different from each other. I let the flowers in my work wear chiffon, just like wearing a bikini, it is translucent, cool, unfettered, self-liberated and relaxed. Feel the passion, enjoy the summer heat wave and learn to coexist with the extreme weather.

The 9 works of Cycle 3 is my Thinking series, which is presented with 9 types of flowers. They depict the relevant people, things and environments when I was creating them, through the slow and deliberate work of hand sewing, combining time and space with patience. I feel, experience and record ideas when inspiration occurs and sew the ideas in my needlework. Through the 9 works in the long 18 months, I encounter my true self. It is the process of inner learning! Maybe there are people questioning what my thinking is. Together the 9 quilts is a diary documenting the perfection and imperfection within the 18 months. I very much enjoy the project and happy for myself that I didn’t give up due to obstacles along the way, but keep working to the end! Thank you to each member of Viewpoints 9, you keep me learning and growing!

Materials: chiffon, cotton, dyed fabric, sequin, beads, lace flower, Romanian thread, embroidery floss, metallic thread

Techniques: hand appliqué, hand pieced, hand quilted, hand embroidered

Size: 80 x 80 (cm)

For more information about Viewpoints 9, please visit: http://www.viewpoints9-3.blogspot.tw/

total: 257
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