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Viewpoints 9 (Cycle 7) Challenge 4–Blessings for the Future
2022-03-07 10:39:04

Viewpoints 9 (Cycle 7) Challenge 4

Title of Work: Blessings for the Future

Artist Statement:

The roses are in bud, and in the days to come, they pray for themselves and bloom beautifully. They contribute their energy to decorate the world. Some fear that life is short, and soon becomes a thing of the past, like vibrant colors faded and disappeared in a blink of an eye. It reminds us to live in the moment. Cherishing the present is the real possession.

As we are looking forward to the future, we are most afraid of the uncertainty of unknown, and we feel that we are exploring the road in the dark. "Future Images" is something very abstract. If we can predict possible uncertainties in the future, and if we have the courage to take challenges, we can overcome fear. I keep reminding myself about this as I sew the piece stitch by stitch.

Materials: recycled fabrics, artist’s dyed fabrics, commercial cotton prints, Romanian thread, embroidery floss, ribbons

Techniques: leaf rubbings, hand stitched, hand pieced, hand appliquéd, hand quilted

Size: H 41" x W 41"

Ideas and Thoughts:

Feeling Uneasy

The 4th work of the 7th cycle is taking place between 2021 and 2022. The cold winter and the pandemic are testing my mood. I must admit that the time for creating and sewing this work is very short, and I feel uneasy. I really don't know if there is enough time for me to complete this work. Maybe it’s a life lesson to learn!

I wish you all stay safe and healthy during the pandemic. Happy creating!

total: 110
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