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Carrefour Européen du Patchwork 2022
2022-09-21 10:20:08

Carrefour Européen du Patchwork - SAINTE-MARIE-AUX-MINES

Spetember 15-18, 2022 

3 works of mine, Grandmother's Flower Garden, Flower of Life, and A World of Leaves, are exhibited at the European Patchwork Meeting with Viewpoints between September 15 and 18th!

(Left to Right: Lin Hsin-Chen, Cecília González, Alicia Merrett)

(Left to Right: Lisa-Marie Sanders, Alicia Merrett, Sue Dennis, Lin Hsin-Chen, Betty Busby, Kate Themel)

(Left to Right: Lin Hsin-Chen, Kate Themel, Elisabeth Nacenta de la Croix, Sue Dennis, Lisa-Marie Sanders)

Photo Credit: Martha Wolfe

total: 106
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