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Machine Quilting Unlimited
2011-06-01 14:44:31

Machine Quilting Unlimited
Pictures originated from Machine Quilting Unlimited


Taoism, the prevalent religion in Taiwan, was founded c. 550 BC by Lao-Tzu. The central focus in on the individual’s spiritual life, in order to achieve inner harmony, peace, and longevity. The most recognizable Taoist symbol is the yin-yang, which represents opposites making a unity. Hsin-Chen Lin’s The Sachet of Happiness contains representations of another ancient concern of Taoism, the relationship of mankind to nature. Hsin-Chen was inspired by Southern Taiwanese temple architecture, local totemic plants and sea creatures. Her goal was to integrate modern arts and traditional temple decorative arts. She explains, “In Taiwan, we put things related to good fortune, such as lucky charms, in a sachet. The message of the Chinese characters in the middle of the quilt is to bless all living creatures.”
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