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Corn Pancakes
2010-11-10 16:53:39

Corn Pancakes

Written and photographed by Lin Hsin-Chen

The old woman sat at the corner, looking the passers-by from left to right.
She looked, talked, and smiled to herself…
The little dining car next to her was just like props.
Interestingly, I stood in front of the little dining car peering at the yellow, greasy snacks.
After approximately a few minutes, “Try it.” she said to me.
Then she kept on looking the passers-by again!
“How much is it?” I asked.
Suddenly, her spirit returned. She started to hawk” Corn pancakes, corn pancakes!”
I was curious to know “where she went while ago.”
This hot corn pancake is like sweet potato pancake in Taiwan.
But the difference is that the fillings in corn pancakes are red date jam.
They are not too sweet but taste good. Each is 1 Chinese Yuan.
I then realized how carefree life it is…..



total: 456
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