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Appearance of Boiled Egg-National Centre for the Performing Arts in Beijing
2011-02-18 15:55:27

Appearance of Boiled Egg-National Centre for the Performing Arts in Beijing
Written and photographed by Lin Hsin-Chen

I have heard the story of this great architecture, National Centre for the Performing Arts before my visit. The construction of the building once was completed but it was burned down and couldn’t make any ceremonies to celebrate at that time.
Under intense pressure, the nation reconstructed this oriental cultural opera house again in a short time.  It is indeed a remarkable achievement by an international architectural designer.
The building design is oval-shaped, including the site.
All of the building materials and the lines reveal irregular.
It looks like very original and advanced.
It was a worthwhile trip.
I didn’t have a warm cup of chocolate at coffee shop in the lobby so I will definitely come visit again!

Looking at that “egg” in the parking lot.

I come closer; Is it simply an egg or a boiled one?

It is very technological; the water maintains steady.

The entrance is by the ramp, under the egg.Amazing!

An endless gallery; water is on the rooftop.

Magnificent lobby, you would feel it once you were there.

The escalators on the both sides of bevel angle; the semicircle at the top is really huge.

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